It is the responsibility of the moderator to preside and regulate the procedure at all Town Meetings.

The moderator is also responsible for appointing the Finance and Warrant Committee, and other committees that are authorized by Town Meeting. Additionally, themoderator may create committees to serve as an advisory body to the moderator for matters within the moderator's jurisdiction.

The moderator shall have all of the powers and duties which are given to moderators under the constitution and laws of the commonwealth and such additional powers and duties as may be authorized by the Town Charter, by by-law or by vote of the Town Meeting.


The term of office of the moderator is 3 years. Town elections are held annually on the second Saturday of April. The current moderator is:

 Dan Driscoll Town Moderator 2020 


The moderator is a volunteer who may not be available during business hours. To contact the moderator, please send an email to If you need a response during business hours, please contact the Town Clerk's office.


The Town Moderator does not hold meetings for himself, but facilitates Town Meeting. Town Meeting convenes for fall and spring meetings each calendar year. Public meeting dates and times are posted at Town Hall and the Dedham Public Library at least 48 hours before each meeting in compliance with the Massachusetts Open Meeting Law. Meeting warrants will also be posted on this website.