The Sustainability Advisory Committee advises the Board of Selectmen, municipal departments and committees, and residents on strategies for advancing our local commitment to sound environmental practices both today and for our town’s future. These include education initiatives, environmentally sensitive building and planning, renewable energy choices by residential, commercial and municipal properties, and other practices that help Dedham address the impact of pollution and climate change.
Remote Meeting with Sustainability Committee
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic and State of Emergency, on March 12, 2020, Governor Baker issued an Executive Order Temporarily Suspending Certain Provisions of the Open Meeting Law, G.L. c. 30A sec. 20. Pursuant to the Order, public bodies are temporarily relieved from the Open Meeting Law’s requirement that meetings be held in public places, open and physically accessible to the public, so long as measures are taken to ensure public access to the bodies' deliberations "through adequate, alternative means."
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1. Approve minutes from last month's meeting.
2. Meet with Amanda Smith to discuss her role and how we might be able to work with her.
3. Joe Flanagan will update us on recycle day and earth day.
4. Old business/new business*
5. Adjourn
*This item is included to acknowledge that there may be matters not reasonably anticipated by the chair that could be raised during the meeting by other members of the Committee, by staff or others.