This emergency meeting of the Board of Health is being posted because the Board will meet in conjunction with the Board of Selectmen to address the agenda items listed below.
This meeting is being held via conference call because of the State of Emergency related to the COVID-19 outbreak.
1. Declare Local Emergency
2. In conjunction with the Board of Health, close playgrounds
3. Authorize filing of a Governor’s Bill postponing the date of the Annual Town Election, and providing support for a bill of general application for such purposes; authorize Town Manager, Chair or other Member to sign letter
4. Postpone the date of the Annual Town Election in accord with general terms of proposed special legislation and provide for notice to the public by such means as are calculated to reach eligible voters
5. Discuss paring down of meeting agendas, remote meetings, and similar efforts meant to encourage social distancing
6. Approve revised “notice of remote participation” for inclusion on meeting notices and disclaimer for beginning of meetings
7. Address closing of municipal buildings to the public, including encouraging e-mailing
8. Identify member of the Board authorized to work with Town Manager to make emergency decisions
9. Take other action needed to respond to the implications of the novel coronavirus COVID-19